VSTEP (Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency) means that this is the Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency examination by the six-level English Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam and has ranged from A1 to C2 due to The Common European Framework of Reference.

The content of the six-level English Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam



 General descriptions


Level 1

Can understand and use daily structures; simple words meet the requirement of the specific communication needs. Can introduce yourself and others; can respond to information about yourself such as where you live, relatives/friends, etc. Can communicate simply if the speaker speaks slowly, clearly, and is ready to cooperate. 


Level 2

Can understand simple sentences and common sentence structure related to communication needs at a basic level (topics such as family, yourself, shopping, how to ask for direction, job). Can communicate about simple information, daily themes. Can make a clear and understandable description of yourself, your surroundings, and necessity problems.


Level 3

Can understand the main ideas of passage or speech about frequent topics in work, school, free time, etc. Can process most situations that arise when you come to the place where people speak that language. Can write simple passages related to familiar topics of personal interest. Can make a description of experiences, events, dreams, desires, and aspirations, and present the brief reasons, explaining  opinions and plans.


Level 4

Can understand the main ideas of a complex text on particular and abstract topics, including technical discussions about own expertise. Can communicate at a fluent, smooth level with native speakers. Can write coherent and detailed texts on various themes and can express opinions and knowledge on  matters, give advantages and disadvantages for distinctive options.


Level 5

Can understand and identify the implications of long and wide texts. Can express fluently, immediately, without having word retrieval difficulty. Can use language flexibly and effectively for society and  work, academic and professional purposes. Can write clearly, concisely, and detailedly the complex topics. Can demonstrate text organization ability, utilize conjunctions and linking words.


Level 6

Can understand most spoken and written language easily. Can reference  spoken or written sources easily, rearrange information, and present it logically. Can express and distinguish precise words’ meanings in complicated situations instantly, fluently, and accurately.


Reading and writing (90 minutes)

The reading and writing test assess your ability to understand the symbols, texts, and your ability to solve unfamiliar words as well as sentence structure.
We have 2 parts: Reading and Writing
❃ Reading has 3 sections:
• Section 1: Multiple choices about grammar and vocabulary (10 sentences)
• Section 2: Multiple choices about signals and symbols (5 sentences)
• Section 3: The statements are True (T) or False (F) (10 sentences)
• Section 4: Multiple choice cloze (10 sentences)
❃ Writing has 2 sections:
• Section 1: Paraphrase (5 sentences)
• Section 2: Write a letter in about 100-120 words with a given situation.

Listening (About 35 minutes)

The listening test assesses your ability to listen to a recorded text such as announcements and conversations, in which you must understand this information as well as catch the speaker’s attitude or intentions.
❃ We have 2 sections:
• Section 1: Multiple choice (5 sentences)
• Section 2: Gap fill (10 câu)

Speaking (About 10-12 minutes)

The Speaking test assesses your ability to communicate examiner. You need to be able to respond to questions such as giving personal information, making or giving the suggestion with your chosen topics. The test includes 3 sections.
• Section 1: Interview – Introduce yourself (2-3 minutes)
• Section 2: Long Turn – Making your suggestions (5 minutes)
• Section 3: Two-way discussion – Answer examiner’s questions (3-4 minutes)